One priority of the Implementation Task Force has been to be as open and inclusive as possible. We understand that given the limited time frame we have been given by the Department of Education, the summer break, and the on-going pandemic that many of our faculty, staff, and students may be away or engaged on other matters. The Task Force has been active in engaging with the Student Association, Graduate Student Association, Faculty Senate, Deans, and administrators across campus.
We want to ensure that everyone is afforded every opportunity to review and respond to the proposed policy. Over the next few weeks, the Task Force will continue to consult the University community and seek input regarding its draft policy through a series of town hall forums (as well as receiving feedback from the survey).
Town Hall Q&A Sessions
- July 18, Student Association
- July 21, Graduate Student Association
- July 29 at 3:00, Faculty Town Hall (see email for link)
- July 30 at 4:00, Staff Town Hall (see email for link)
- July 30 at 7:00, Magister and RA Town Hall (see email for link)
Additionally, if you would like a member of the Task Force to address your group, please email